Feb 10, 2011


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Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
People have asked me on Formspring if I've taken all these pictures lately, and the answer is yes. Somehow, I developed better picture taking skills photographing the day-to-day things that happen in my day/week. Also, as you all know, or most of you know, I'm really against Fox News, and all its lies and bullshit. Someone told me about this petition against Fox, where you sign it and you get two free stickers (pictured above) if you want some cool free stickers and support a good cause, don't hesitate to sign the petition here.

Currently Listening To: "New Beat" by Toro Y Moi.


Anonymous said...

These are really nice Eddie.
Make sure you tell your sister shes looks beautiful.

mikey said...

how do i get your layout?

Anonymous said...

(Shocking Face) when you visit AZ??!!