Dec 22, 2009

We Feed On The Moon.

I don't want to go to sleep at night--no, I'm not scared or afraid of the dark. I feel like if I stayed up awake, the day would be endless, I would see where all the time is going and I wouldn't have to dread waking up from a warm, cozy sleep--which is one of the most horrible feelings I think I can experience.

Then I would somehow feel like I'm playing with time as if it was clay--fooling it by not sleeping, because I would never feel time pass by. Joke's on time, not on me.

I want to dress up, go out, call my friends, dress in black, and feed on the moon. Walk on wet pavements and be restless, careless of the dangers of the night.


Anonymous said...

Hey, well my christams is small, open gifts, play board games, and eat tamales. Not much family also, we isolate ourselfs from our family who come from out of town, long story short they are Drama (haha). I was so happy when I got my first A in math when I was going to GCC, and in no way do I find it nerdy! No way, I thought you were born here, what kind of visa do you have? I think immigration laws are so fookin dumb and unfair for people who are trying to make a living or want to. Oh, have you seen the new collection for Target by Rodarte? Well Eddie I wish you a Merry Christmas!!

EL Argonautica 60 said...

Hey Eli!

my friends and i are completely obsessed with blogs, well mostly italian blogs, so when my friend named her blog after something itlaina, i found a blog about a girl named Italia. I kept reading and on her post called "brick back" i saw your comment and decided to take a look. I guess this makes me stalker, but you know like a friendly stalker... ummm im not crazy i swear!

well i decided to reply on this one because i have finally finished your entire blog, i have always told myself there are things of marvel beyond my comprehension, you two make this thought that much more of a reality.

i really like this post, the whole thing is very O Fantasma(look it up)

so like i wrote to your sister, ill keep reading if you keep writing and hope that you dont think that i expect anything.

- argonautica