Jun 13, 2010

Times When I've Fetl Like A Badass,

This happened more than a year ago. It was the same day I had asked Mr. Ex out, and that night I decided to go to Target all by myself. I live in between South/Central & Tempe so, half of it is dangerous and half of it I consider it okay to walk--at night. So I walk to Target, now don't ask me how many miles because I'd have to say it's not that far but not that close, and according to lots of people I'm a fast walker, I mean one has to if one is from Mexico City. So, I got out of my house around 7 and got there at 8. I was happy because of what had happened earlier and to be honest, I felt badass and liberated. So, I'm walking and this jogger/walker comes out in front of me, at first I was sort of held back and suspicious--because one can't never be too suspicious in Mexico City, so i walked a little faster and he walks faster. This guy is taller than me, and a bit bigger if we're talking muscle wise, also older, he seemed like he was 24. So, homeboy keeps looking back at me, and I keep looking away because I saw in movies that one never has to make eye contact just so one can avoid any sort of back alley prowls. Then I realized he starts running, while looking back, until he is at a "safe" distance and keeps on walking then I realized I had scared him. I scared a jogger, I SCARED a jogger. Can someone believe that? Was it because I was wearing that pleather jacket? Was it the fact that I was wearing all black? Was it the fact that I was wearing sunglasses AT NIGHT? Totally just kidding at the end. I scared a walker, and that made me feel like a badass.

1 comment:

EL Argonautica 60 said...

"because one can't never be too suspicious in Mexico City"- LMAO! you are too adorable !