May 20, 2010


You know, for the longest time I've been wanting to own a Jeep Wrangler. Yeah, I know it probably won't happen due to how expensive they are--plus, you can't really get the advantages of riding with the hood down in AZ, unless you want to be fried. But going back to my fantasy, I always wanted to live the Jeep Wrangler life, you know, what it stands for? The wilderness, the nature, the wind on your face, the FREEDOM. The thing about always being on the go, doing something active outdoors, maybe going hiking, maybe going to the beach, or just getting out of your house and just go with the hood down. This commercial is old (somewhat) but I really do feel they have betrayed the principles of the Jeep Wrangler:

It's the same commercial but in Spanish (I couldn't find the English version), I mean, look at it: It really shifted from being a sports/activity vehicle to being pretty and cute. The wilderness and adventure of the vehicle has been raped. No, just kidding.

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