Nov 17, 2009


I apologize to my parents and to my family for my obnoxious 15/16 year old self. I can't believe I was that obnoxious and immature. The memories of being 15/16 years old make me feel ashamed and embarrassed about myself. I can't believe I used to be that way, so obnoxious, demanding, and just a stupid brat, over all.
I thought I was in love, and I believe that's why I consider Taylor Swift's lyrics so tweeny and obnoxious, because they're aimed for the 15/16 year olds that believe they are in love and their lives are hard, but don't realize that Taylor Swift did not write her songs based on your lives.

"Cause when youre fifteen
and somebody tells you they love you
youre gonna believe them"
-Taylor Swift

You think that guy likes you and you think you love him, but you don't, you just want someone to call "boyfriend" and hold hands with. You contradict yourself when you want a boyfriend, but you want to have as many boyfriends as possible, because "you're too young to settle down".

You put your friends over everything, but you don't know the real meaning of a friendship, because you only see them during school, and those "together through soft and rough" were only moments when someone spread a lie about you, or when you were nominated Prom prince. You hardly "know your best friends", but you think you guys are "BFF's". It's not until later that you realize that friends come and go, but family is really forever. Then you realize that friendship is an over-rated word, and you only use the term "Best Friend" when you feel completely comfortable around that person, not when you're scared they're going to spread everything you texted them the night before.

Maybe that's why I roll my eyes at every 15/16 year old I see at the mall, maybe it's not their "I don't care, but I so do" attitudes, but it's the fact that they remind me of my obnoxious era, back when I was into the skinniest jeans, the slickest longest bangs, and the friend requests. Back when a cute boy would comment my picture, and it would give some sort of thrill, contrary as to right now, where I see myspace flirting as a waste of time. You see, I was 16 two years ago, and it's not really about how long ago I stopped being 16, but it's about how much my perspective on "love", money, family, friendship and success has changed from when I was 16.

Apologies to everyone who put up with my through my Obnoxious Sweet 16.
--Eddie Aranda

Currently Listening To: A song by Chromeo my sister has on.

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